I don't want to discuss the details of the split out of respect to Mike (he typically charges a nominal fee to design a program), but suffice it to say that I am squatting 3x per week and have seen significant increases in strength over just the past 2-3 months. I am no longer pushing myself to failure on every set, instead working through power / hypertrophy / strength days for the "big lifts:" squat, deadlift, and bench. Each day is still challenging, as the remaining lifts are structured to push you to perform (the supersets are particularly brutal). I have not touched a machine during this entire period - the whole system is focused on compound lifts. After training for 15+ years (and suffering through some extremely tough leg workouts), I didn't think I would see a sizable jump in my squat after just 2-3 months on the program...but I did. I have also switched to pulling traditional (vs. sumo) in an attempt to improve my back thickness. Here is a 545-lb pull before I started working with Dr. Zourdos, and also a 425-lb squat for which Mike called me out for not going low enough. These were taken just a few weeks after WNBF Worlds last year. My form on both lifts has improved dramatically. A few weeks ago I squatted 405 x 7 - all at "good" depth.
545 lb Conventional Deadlift (12-14-12)
425 lb Squat - not to depth (12-14-12)
I am not a powerlifter, so I will reserve final judgement on this program until I diet down again. At this point in my natural bodybuilding "career" I certainly don't expect to be adding pounds of muscle between contests. However, I am proud of the fact that I have continually made improvements to my physique over time, and hope that this latest change will help me continue that trend. Thanks Dr. Z for helping me to think outside the box and continue pushing for improvement!