Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Off to a quick start in 2012!

2011 ended on a very positive note for me, as my wife and I brought our new daughter back to our home state of Virginia for the holidays. We had a blast visiting friends and family and showing off Sidney. Being a dad is the best!

I was also fortunate enough to participate in Nancy Andrews' Pro Series Camp in Massachusetts for the 2nd straight year back in January, and will be helping out with Layne Norton's natural bodybuilding camp in Florida in June. It's pretty inspiring to see how far natural bodybuilding has come since I started participating in it - and Nancy and Layne are 2 huge reasons why. Thanks guys for all that you do for natty bbing!

Training has been going very well for me so far in 2012, and my weight is bordering on the 200-lb mark. I feel surprisingly good at this weight and have been sure to implement some off-season cardio at least a couple of times a week to prevent too much fat gain! My training partner Victor and I have implemented a modified Max-OT type of regimen, where reps are kept between 4 and 8. The focus here is on heavier weight and plenty of time to recover between sets. We are using a 4-day split with the following body parts:

  • Monday: Chest / Triceps
  • Tuesday: OFF
  • Wednesday: Legs
  • Thursday: OFF
  • Friday: Shoulders / Calves
  • Saturday: Back
  • Sunday: OFF

The volume under this split is relatively low (typically around 6 - 8 working sets per body part), but the heavy weights used on each set don't make it seem any easier. I've been able to hit 455 x 4 on Romanian Deadlifts and 355 x 7 on Front Squats using the smith machine. I'm also doing quite a bit of occlusion training for my stubborn calves - I'll try to write more on that at a later date.

For now, here's a pic of the Whitacre Family supporting the Cowboys!

Looking forward to an excellent 2012!