Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Contest Prep Essentials: Food Prep

One of the things I pride myself on is being as efficient as possible with my food prep when I diet for a contest. I thought I would share the basic steps that I go through each week. I typically do my shopping on Saturdays and some minor food prep on Saturday night after my daughter goes to bed (cutting fat off chicken, making rice). Sunday morning is when most of the food prep is done:

Here is my grill with roughly a week's worth of chicken and tilapia:

Here is pretty much all of the food I'll eat in a given week, although I usually have to make more rice during the week:

And this is what I grab before I leave for cardio / work every morning:

I typically eat a tilapia / chicken & broccoli meal with the family when I get home around 6:15, and my last meal of the day is usually egg whites + whey.

In my opinion, food prep is the least desirable part of contest prep. I try to make it as painless as possible in true economist fashion - by being efficient.

Looking forward to the home stretch of this contest prep!